Outdoor Media Agency

Outdoor media (Or alternatively O.O.H Out-Of-Home Advertising) is simply put, any type of advertising that will remain outside for all to see. So think billboards, transit advertisements, sides of buses and even A-boards outside pubs. They can all be referred to as outdoor media.


Although we at CHS don’t generalise our creations as indoor or out, our teams approach these client requests as they would in any other brief, with flair, passion and creativity.


In a digital world, how important is Outdoor Media?

If you want to know how important Outdoor Media still is, just take a step outside. You may not realise it, but we are almost constantly surrounded by signs and advertising. We see them on buses, bus stops, shop windows, posters and so much more.

Outdoor media is a great way to be seen by many and to continually remind your audience that you are there. And, at CHS we have expertise in both print and digital out of home, to drive awareness and consideration within a defined area or to a defined demographic.

Our Outdoor Media Specialists

Senior Creative

Mike Brooking

Account Director

Phil Morris

Art Director

Paul Kimber

Deputy Creative Director

Sheridan Hurst

What is outdoor or out of home media?

Outdoor media is, quite simply, any type of media or advertising that you see or interact with when you are out of the home. This might include the billboard you see on your drive to work, the posters in the tube station that catch your eye, the digital screens advertising the latest movies or advertisements on bus stops, buses, park benches and elsewhere outside.

What are our Outdoor Media specialisms?

With outdoor media, you’re up against lots of other advertisements and, at times, very short dwell times. That’s why we specialise in delivering messages in a short, concise yet impactful way. Through award-winning creative strategy, copywriting and design, we are able to deliver ads that grab attention and stay remembered.

Approach to Outdoor Media


Important because people are not often stood still when reading billboards. The ad will be viewed from all sorts of ranges meaning that it must be legible from a distance.


People may only give your ad a passing glance, so we make sure that your message is clear, concise and easy to read in a few seconds. People are very unlikely to stop and read a sign when they are wandering, so we make it short and snappy.


We want people to read once and understand what is being asked or offered in a fleeting moment.

How do we go Beyond Expectation?

Our creative teams are experts in knowing what imagery and copy will draw the eye, and make your prospective customers remember who you are and what you are all about. With years of experience in both print and digital, we will give insight into what makes a modern outdoor advertisement stand out in a crowded world of billboards and posters, often giving you options that you may not have thought of.

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