Our journey to Net Zero

It seems everybody’s going green these days.
Well, everybody’s talking green anyway. The reality of course, is we’ve all still a way to go. Including ourselves.

But the CHS objective is simple. To help organisations create net-zero brands, campaigns and content, by reducing our own impact as much as possible.

Here are a few of the ways we're working towards our net zero goal


We’re signatories to the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) helping businesses set emissions reduction targets.


We recycle everything, from batteries, toner and IT equipment to drinks cans and food waste from our photographic shoots.

Solar Panels

The building’s solar panels regularly see our electricity meter coming to a halt.

Net Zero Media Placements

We recently produced a series of ads for HSBC using Net Zero media placements.

Carbon Tariffs

We’ll soon be offering a carbon tariff to our clients to offset our fees.

A buzz in the air

We’re fortunate at CHS to work on an island, surrounded by water meadows and an abundance of wildlife. So taking advantage of our location, we set up a group of beehives. As well as being hugely beneficial for the environment, they regularly produce some fantastic honey.

But what does this all amount to? If it sounds like we’re giving ourselves a pat on the back, we apologise. But we’re relentless in our determination to trim, cut, save, pare down and make our business leaner and greener in every area possible. It’s part of what we stand for, so we believe it’s important to share our goals.


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