On-Set Virtual Production

What is on-set production?

On-set virtual production is the seamless integration of physical and digital content creating techniques, conducted directly on the set. It brings the power of advanced technology and creativity together, resulting in a more efficient and imaginative way of creating content and photography.


The magic of LED backdrops

LED backgrounds are not just a replacement for traditional backdrops; they’re a window into unlimited creative possibilities, which is why we love to use them to bring ideas to life. These state of the art LED screens provide photographers with dynamic, ever-changing backgrounds that can instantly transform any shoot. We think they’re a game-changer, here’s why:

Real-time environments

With LED backgrounds, you can transport whatever you are photographing to any environment you want in real time. Whether it’s a a serene beach, busy city street, or a futuristic galaxy, you can create the perfect backdrop for your shoot instantly.

Take control of lighting

LED backgrounds offer precise control over lighting conditions to suit whatever vibe you’re looking for. You can adjust the colour temperature, intensity, and direction of the light to achieve the perfect mood for your shots.


There’s no need to worry about limited space in our virtual production studio,  LED backgrounds are sleek, lightweight, and can adapt to different shooting environments, so we can make your photography more versatile.

Meet our on-set virtual production specialists

Meet a few members of our on-set virtual production team below.

Head of Content

Sam Barbrooke

Photographer & Content Creative

Nathan Warren

Creative Producer

Becky Charman

Our on-set virtual production services

Custom on-set virtual production solutions

At CHS, we recognise that each project is one-of-a-kind which is why our team collaborates closely with you to customise our on-set virtual production services, whether it's for an advert, or a new product range advertising campaign. We have the tools and expertise to bring your unique vision to life.

Virtual set creation

We leverage our real-time 3D engines to design and craft exceptional virtual sets that will blow your mind. These sets are fully customisable, providing the perfect backdrop for any aspect of your project or campaign.

Versatile LED background

Our seamless integration of virtual sets with large LED walls, strategically positioned behind physical sets creates cohesive visual experience.

Camera synchronisation

To enhance realism and depth, we synchronise our cameras with the game engines which creates an immersive experience.

CGI & on-set virtual production

The combination of our CGI services with virtual production delivers a synergy that offers both realism and creative flexibility.

Post-production support

Our commitment to your project doesn't conclude when the cameras stop rolling. We offer comprehensive post-production services, covering everything from editing to visual effects, ensuring your content is of the highest quality and effectively communicates your intended message.

Our virtual production set – what we have to offer

We have everything you need to assist you end-to-end for your virtual production project:

  • Dedicated team of on-hand, experienced videographers, directors, and editors who are dedicated to crafting high-quality video content that resonates with your target audience.
  • A specialist team of photographers, passionate for all types of photography including product photography, corporate portraits, lifestyle photography, event photography, and more.
  • A well-equipped virtual production environment, kitted out with LED backgrounds and the latest tech in virtual production to make your possibilities endless.

The benefits of on-set virtual production

Creative freedom and diversity

Say goodbye to the limitations of physical backdrops, LED backgrounds give you the freedom to explore a huge choice of environments and scenes so you can find the perfect setting for your shoot.

Cost effective

Traditional photoshoots that involve using multiple locations or backdrops can be expensive. Production in our virtual production set using our LED backgrounds significantly reduces costs by eliminating the need for extensive setups and post-production editing.

Save time and effort

LED backgrounds allow you to change scenes instantly, saving valuable time during a shoot. This means you can focus more on capturing the perfect shot and less on logistical challenges.

Work more collaboratively 

With LED backgrounds in our virtual production environment, clients and our creative team can see the shot in real time. This collaborative aspect ensures that everyone is aligned on the creative vision and can make adjustments on the spot if needed.

Why we recommend using a fully-integrated LED virtual production company like us

If you want to make a strategic decision that is certainly going to get you results, why not choose us as your on-set virtual production partner? Just like all of our services, everything we do has the end goal in mind, and we’re proud of what makes us stand out. 

Streamlined workflow –  We offer complete solutions, ensuring a seamless workflow from concept to the final delivery of your project. This simplifies project management and saves your valuable time and resources, making working with us a simple, smooth process.

Skilled professionals – Our team is full of experts with extensive experience across the field, whether that be in on-set virtual production, CGI, or other associated technologies. 

Cost-effective approach –  By overseeing all aspects of on-set virtual production, we remove the need for multiple service providers, saving your money but also ensures rigorous quality control.

Creative harmony – With an integrated team, you can uphold creative consistency, guaranteeing that your project remains aligned with your objectives throughout its entire journey.


Join us in redefining photography and videography with on-set virtual production

If the sound on son-set virtual production excites you but you’re not sure how to get started, contact us today to discuss what ideas you have in mind and we can help you bring them to life.  We’re always looking for ways to push the boundaries of what’s possible when it comes to virtual production – we’re excited to embark on this creative journey with you. 

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