Date Added: 12.01.2021
Mins Read: < 1 min
British Horse Society campaign raises £110,000 for horses in need
BHS Coronavirus Appeal
Charity organisation, The British Horse Society (BHS), has raised over a staggering £110,000 following the launch of a charity appeal back in April 2020.
The campaign aimed to generate extra funds required to pay for food, shelter and bedding for thousands of horses in BHS Approved Riding Schools, who faced an uncertain future following the outbreak of COVID-19 and the forced closure of their business activities.
The appeal was developed and launched by The British Horse Society’s creative agency, CHS who utilised social media channels, press inserts in equestrian publications and the charities membership database to drive a national fundraising appeal.
The ongoing campaign has also been supported through the participation of riding schools, who engaged in activities at a local level, using the campaign creative assets, to help deliver a steady stream of donations to the cause over the last 10 months.
Sandra Ford, Director of Marketing and Communications at the British Horse Foundation, said: “Coronavirus is the biggest national crisis we are all facing. But the lockdown threatens the existence of riding schools and the incredible horses that live within them.
“With little or no income, their work has become more difficult. There are many thousands of horses to feed and care for and without financial support, our schools are facing a worrying future.
“The response to our appeal has been astonishing, and we have seen that the money raised so far has enabled our schools to begin rebuilding and to make a difference in our communities and for their horses.”
The BHS coronavirus appeal is an ongoing fundraiser and will continue throughout 2021 across a mix of channels.
Chris Southgate, Managing Director of CHS agency, said: “The development of campaigns that generate these kinds of results for a notable cause is one of the many reasons we love working for clients like BHS.
“We’re so thrilled to have helped make a difference with such a meaningful campaign, going beyond expectation not just for our clients, but also clearly – the horses of our country too!”
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