Simplifying Investments on
TikTok with HSBC UK



Non-Spark Ads

TikTok Campaign

In 2022, HSBC UK identified a growing trend: a significant portion of their customers showed a preference for traditional savings over exploring investment funds. The challenge was clear –
show the audience that starting with HSBC UK investments isn’t just straightforward, but it can also be beneficial for their financial future.

Our strategy was to utilise TikTok to demystify the world of investments. From our research, we understood that many viewed investing as complex and potentially costly. We countered this perception by illustrating how one can begin investing with HSBC UK in common, everyday situations, like while waiting at the barber’s or at the laundrette. Using TikTok’s Spark Ads, we collaborated with genuine creators who conveyed the message authentically, making the idea of investing more approachable.

The campaign was a success, engaging millions of unique users on TikTok alone. We were also honoured to have the campaign nominated for awards from the DMAs, PMAs, and The Drum.

Together with HSBC UK, we’ve shone a light on the simplicity and potential of investing.


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