Web Development

What is Web Development?

Web development refers to the building and maintenance of websites and web applications. Our approach includes everything from considering user requirements and designing the UX and UI, to bringing it all to life through coding for a fully functioning site, ensuring that the final product meets audience needs.

How do we approach Web Development?

At CHS, our approach to web development is rooted in detailed planning and collaboration. We guide our clients through a structured process to ensure that every aspect of their website is tailored to meet specific needs and goals.

Approach to Web Development

Site Audits

We review existing content and make recommendations to enhance future performance.

Audience Definition

We help identify different users of the site and understand their needs.

Functionality Mapping

We build specifications to ensure the site answers your business objectives and meets audience needs.

UX and UI Design

We visualise the user experience, considering the best ways to structure information and guide your audience to desired actions.

Build and Testing

We translate designs into a functional, robust platform through coding, testing, and optimisation.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

We support security and maintenance updates and use proactive monitoring to ensure the site’s performance remains optimal. We can also support ongoing development as the site evolves.

How do we go Beyond Expectation?

We know that a website is one of the most important outputs of a brand. That’s why we champion a collaborative approach, ensuring we understand the needs, requirements, and wishes of you and your team before making any recommendations.

By taking this methodical and user-centered approach, CHS ensures that each web development project not only meets but exceeds expectations, providing a seamless, engaging experience for your audience.

Meet our Web Development Specialists

Head of Digital

Tim Redman

Senior Creative

Vicky Kwan

Creative Lead

Mike Guppy

Production Lead

Damion Poulter

What are our Web Development Specialisms?

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