Date Added: 02.10.2020
Mins Read: 2 mins
Author: Ian Charman
How to make your next
catalogue irresistible
Your catalogue cover is prime real estate. You already know that. And you already give serious thought to what you put on every cover. After all, you want to grab people’s attention and get them thumbing through your pages right away.
But, when reviewing cover options, are you looking at one cover you hope will appeal to every segment of your market? One cover that treats everyone the same?
Because if you are, you could be missing out on one of your biggest sales opportunities.
Show them what they love
Let’s say you’ve identified five customer segments. Maybe one group is really into gadgets, while another sees you as their inspiration for home baking and a third group buys mainly storage products.
What if you created a different cover for each segment? What if you chose products and messaging that reflected their buying behaviour? Might you see an uptick in sales?

Remember, it’s four catalogue pages, not one
Naturally, we think first of the front cover, but we also have the back and the inside cover pages, which we can easily customise while leaving the inner leaves the same. Four pages of prime real estate where we can tailor the content to the reader. So, now rather than try to appeal to all your customers at once or appeal to some this time and others next time, you can hit the mark with every publication.
What you sell sells
You’ve seen it yourself. You shine the spotlight on a product that’s fallen out of favour and suddenly sales are flying. But the key is putting the right product in front of the right people in the right way.
By thinking about the front cover of your next catalogue in a different way, you clear a space to do this for every customer. And once you do that, who can resist?
Want to get more out of your next publication?
Get in touch with Ian Charman on +44 (0)1202 473423, or email
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